
Arthritis Research Canada Achieves Accreditation from Imagine Canada’s Standard Program


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March 15, 2016 – Arthritis Research Canada (ARC) is pleased to announce accreditation under Imagine Canada’s national Standards Program. With this achievement, we join a growing community of 165 organizations dedicated to operational excellence.

The Standards Program is a Canada-wide set of shared standards for charities and non-profits designed to strengthen practices in five fundamental areas: board governance, financial accountability and transparency, fundraising, staff management, and volunteer involvement.

“Achieving the accreditation of the Imagine Canada Standards Program is a significant milestone for Arthritis Research Canada,” says Shauneen Kellner, Executive Director. “Our commitment is to uphold the highest standards and policies to ensure the continued trust of our stakeholders, donors and supporters”.

Invest in Trust

The goals of Imagine Canada’s Standards Program are to increase the transparency of charities and non-profits, and to strengthen public confidence in individual organizations and the sector as a whole. Our policies and procedures in the five fundamental areas of compliance were evaluated by a group of volunteers from the sector, and were found to be compliant with the Standards Program.

“It’s no small feat for an organization to earn Standards Program accreditation,” says Bruce MacDonald, President and CEO of Imagine Canada. “It’s a rigorous, peer-reviewed process that is meant to build public trust and confidence in the charitable sector. These organizations take accountability and operational transparency very seriously. We’re glad to have them on board.”

For further information:
Kevin Allen at 604-207-4010 or

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