At Arthritis Research Canada – research is our focus. We find solutions that help people triumph over arthritis. Our scientific experts are at the forefront of research on mental health and arthritis. Learn more about the cutting-edge research projects they’re conducting to make a difference in the lives of over 6 million people, young and old, living with arthritis.

Dr. Susan Bartlett, PhD

Dr. Susan Bartlett, PhD

Research Scientist, Arthritis Research Canada

Dr. Susan Bartlett, PhD, is a Professor of Medicine in the Divisions of Clinical Epidemiology, Rheumatology, and the Respiratory Epidemiology and Clinical Trials Units at McGill University and the McGill University Health Centers. Dr. Bartlett is a clinical psychologist by training with longstanding research and clinical interests in patient-centered research and care and meaningful patient engagement in research.


Research Study Summary:

Research Publications:

Dr. Deborah Da Costa, PhD

Dr. Deborah Da Costa, PhD

Research Scientist, Arthritis Research Canada

Dr. Deborah Da Costa, PhD, is a scientist at the Research Institute, McGill University Health Centre, and an associate professor in the Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine at McGill University. Her research focuses on the interplay between modifiable psychosocial and behavioural (e.g. exercise) factors and health status in various chronic illnesses and in relation to depression in populations at risk. This has laid the foundation for the knowledge-transfer phase of her program which focuses on tailoring and evaluating evidence-based e-health interventions to empower individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to optimize their health and wellness.


Research Study Summary:

Research Publications:

Dr. Mary De Vera, MSc, PhD

Dr. Mary De Vera, MSc, PhD

Research Scientist, Arthritis Research Canada

Dr. Mary De Vera, MSc, PhD, is a pharmacoepidemiologist and health services researcher in the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of British Columbia. She completed a BSc degree in Biochemistry at UBC and MSc and PhD degrees in Health Care and Epidemiology from the UBC School of Population and Public Health. She also completed a post-doctoral fellowship in perinatal pharmacoepidemiology at the University of Montreal’s Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences and pharmaceutical outcomes research at UBC’s Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences.


Research Study Summaries:

Research Publications:

Opportunity to Participate in Research: