A Personalized Decision Tool
for Rheumatoid Arthritis Therapy
This study will develop a personalized decision tool to help patients choose the best treatment for them.

The Problem
Today, there are many medications available, called ‘disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs’ that are effective at treating inflammation caused by rheumatoid arthritis. Determining what is the best treatment option for each person is challenging.

The Solution
Choosing the ‘best’ treatment option for each patient should be based on the most up-to date data about its effectiveness and safety, individualized to the specific situation of each person, as well as patient preferences.

What the Study will do
This study will develop a personalized decision tool to help patients choose the best treatment option for them.
The Research Study
Data will be analyzed from all trials conducted to date and from over 10,000 patients in Canada. A risk calculator will be developed to estimate treatment benefits and risks of side-effects, individualized to each patient’s situation.
Guidelines will be developed along with this tool and implemented into clinical practice. The goal is to develop a tool to help patients select the best treatment for them, in partnership with their doctor.
Research Scientist

Glen Hazlewood Rheumatology, MD, PhD, FRCPC
Research Scientist
Dr. Glen Hazlewood is a rheumatologist and clinician scientist. He completed his rheumatology training in 2010 at the University of Calgary and his PhD in clinical epidemiology through the University of Toronto in 2015. He is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Medicine in Calgary.
Dr. Hazlewood’s program of research is focused on understanding how to align treatment choices in rheumatoid arthritis with best evidence and patients’ preferences. His research is guided by a belief that patients should have a central role in which treatments they take and which treatments we recommend for them.