Vianne's Story

You can help accelerate breakthrough arthritis research!

Dr. John Esdaile

Dr. John Esdaile

Scientific Director, ARC

“Throughout my career as a Rheumatologist, I have seen incredible advances in arthritis research that have directly impacted how we treat and care for people with arthritis. These research breakthroughs happen because of the caring support of donors. YOU make our research possible.

When I first met Vianne, a young mother in her early thirties she had been in excruciating pain for several years. Sadly she had gone undiagnosed because her form of arthritis Ankylosing Spondylitis was thought to only occur in men. Research has shown it does exist in women.

Please watch Vianne’s Story and hear firsthand how her life has changed thanks to arthritis research. From barely being able to walk to now living life to the fullest – arthritis research is making a difference.” – Dr. John Esdaile

Vianne Bacchus

Vianne Bacchus

Living with Ankylosing Spondylitis

Vianne's Story

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“Arthritis can be a long, slow, and painful journey. But by funding research, you are helping to make new breakthroughs and medications possible that are giving people like me a reason to always keep going and never give up. Thank you and be well! Your continued support means so much.”  –  Vianne Bacchus